Why Create Art?


Crab Apple Blossoms #3A few days ago I met a couple of people on the beach. I was taking photos, and the nice gentleman, seeming very interested in my answer, asked why I am a photographer. I mumbled something about liking to create beautiful things then changed the subject, feeling somewhere between clueless and a pretentious asshole.

On my drive home, I started thinking about why I create. It’s true that I like to create beautiful things. That’s why I take photos as often as possible. I’ve also been known to paint when the urge strikes, and I’ve made enough crocheted items over the years to fill a small warehouse. Not to mention all the writing. Making something of my own from nothing is one reason.

I also like the science of photography. How do I get the exact image that I want? Twenty people can look at the exact same scene and take twenty different photos. How do I make that scene my own? The challenge keeps me picking up the camera every day.

Mostly, though, I create because I have to. When I’m not creating some form of art, I’m probably miserable and possibly drinking too much (likewise, when I was drinking too much I wasn’t creating anything).

Are you making art, or just excuses? (More on this thought in a few days)

If you don’t create your art, who will?


  1. Donna Clayson

    Kim, I love your thought process. I love your writing. You are an incredible woman. I look forward to seeing your next post, no matter what it is. Thank you for coming into our lives.

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