The Scariest Thing in the World

Used to Be

During a recent bout of procrastination, I realized that blank pages are the scariest thing in the world. Not because writing is difficult (though it often is), or even because what I consider my best writing is painful for me to produce, let alone for me to show to others.

Blank pages are scary because they are the future.

I’ve just discovered that half-written pages are also scary, because how the hell am I going to write something profound enough to follow my lead on this post?

There is no good reason why blank pages should scare me. If making changes in life is the equivalent of turning the page, I’m at that point once again in my life. Right now I’m nearing the end of a seasonal job and looking for something permanent. Most likely I’ll be moving again, though I don’t know where. I’m staring at a blank page in many ways – not just on my computer screen.

In previous turns of the page I have sold 95% of my belongings including my home and moved 4,000 miles from home to somewhere I had never been. I’ve had to rely on the kindness of strangers and people I barely knew to help me out when I needed a hand. I’ve also filled many, many blank pages over the years (and I have 9 partially completed novels to prove it).

Since I’m an expert on blank pages, I’d like to offer some advice.

  • Pages are only blank until you fill them. Live, write, create.
  • Of the things I regret in life, most of them are things I didn’t do.
  • When I believe what I’m putting on the page isn’t “good enough,” go on Amazon and download a wide selection of free books for Kindle. The poor quality of many should reassure you of your writing talent and that your life is far less screwed up than you think.
  • Bad writing and shitty lives can be improved with effort.

What should I do with my next blank page? Write on it, of course. And probably add photos.

I’m giving in to the demands and I’m starting work on a memoir of moving to Alaska. If you’re part of my story, don’t worry. I’ll be changing names and identifying features to protect the innocent as well as those most likely to sue my ass off.

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