What Do I Mean When I Say “Create”?

I’m always urging someone to create something. Most people think I mean they should write, and in a few cases, that’s true. I know people who give great advice, and, in my opinion, should definitely be blogging and helping others. I also know people who love to take photos but don’t take very many because …

The Best Reason To Act On Your Ideas

For the past couple weeks, I’ve had an idea for a blog post knocking around in my head and notes for it jotted on various scraps of paper. I’ve been thinking about writing about minimalism and how it’s good for creativity. I may have thought about this one for too long, because today in various social …

Pick a Project

When I’m lucky, I can settle down with my laptop and dive into writing, accomplish what needs to be done, and then move on to any copyediting work I happen to have, after which I can sort and catalog some photos. On a really good day, I even take some more photos. Today is not …