Why Create Art?

  A few days ago I met a couple of people on the beach. I was taking photos, and the nice gentleman, seeming very interested in my answer, asked why I am a photographer. I mumbled something about liking to create beautiful things then changed the subject, feeling somewhere between clueless and a pretentious asshole. On my drive home, I started thinking about why …

Now What?

Now that you’re here and looking at a website called Salmon Apple Pie, I should tell you something: This is not my first blog. It’s my fifth. My last blog was a successful one, offering support and advice to my fellow writers. Unfortunately, it died a slow and painful death when I moved to Alaska …

What You Can Find

I’ve spent a lot of time at Dyea this week, walking on the tidal flats and, naturally, taking tons of photos. When I head out with my camera, I usually have some idea of what I’m looking for. I planned to walk along the beach and take some shots of whatever looked interesting – seaweed, …


Hello and welcome to my new website, Salmon Apple Pie! Why did I name my website Salmon Apple Pie? To be honest, after I spent several weeks thinking about starting a new website and blog relating to my photography and writing, I was having absolutely no luck coming up with a name for it. That’s …